
I know it may sound corny, but I always have thought of literature and the way we teach it as a journey, hence why I chose the blog layout that I did. I feel through all the twists and turns, eventually our destination becomes clear and that end point is understanding and the ability to interpret the text before us. This blog is being made not just for a class, but as well for me to showcase and reflect my personal narrative style and my interpretive ability as a writer and English student. In this blog I have so far showcased a novel by Italo Calvino called "Six Memos For The New Millennium" whereby the concepts of Visibility, Multiplicity, Lightness, Quickness, and Exactitude are expressed in great detail. Judging by the title one can see that obviously the chapters do not match with the title. I feel that if Calvino had a chance to write a sixth memo, he would entitle it "Intuitiveness", because when one is intuitive they encompass just what is meant by Lightness insofar as they are looking to make literature more fluid and understandable instead of dense and uninteresting. The writer also encapsulates the concept of Quickness, in that the writer can trace his characters lineage through a story and still make it enjoyable to read. For an author to experience Exactitude the biggest obstacle to overcome would be that of creating an evocation of clear, incisive, memorable visual image for the reader. An author, in order to achieve Visibility status must represent what each of us do when we begin writing, the stage of visualization for our characters in our story, or the process of the dreaded term papers, where is our focal point, where do we start? Only through this process can Visibility be found. Finally to bring these concepts full circle; an author, who is trying to gain Multiplicity success must shows how each concept is to some degree quite dependent on one another to maintain form and function.
I have also provided three papers in which my interpretive and narrative style are showcased, whereby allowing me to present the issues I think are prevalent in today's view of Literature. I hope you enjoy reading my blog and please feel free to comment